Hello There!

This is my first time coding ever. I'm sure with time, my website will get better, but for right now this will have to do. Here's a link to one of my favorite tumblrs Purple Buddha Quotes.

I like movies, writing, listening to music, playing video games, and reading interesting books. The most recent book I read for fun was this anthology called The Crunk Feminist Collective. It's a hip hop feminist manifesto that centered on the experiences, and realities that black and brown women deal with. My specific favorites are listed below

My Other Faves

If you haven't already noticed I'm also a giant Disney nerd!

Project 1 - Multidimensional

Project 2 -Follow Me

Project 3 - Follow Me Revision

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. link to original Medusa pic